
Where to Learn 3D Modeling and How to Get Started

Where to Learn 3D Modeling and How to Get Started

If you’re wondering where to learn 3D modeling and how to get started in this endeavor, we at Daz 3D have some recommendations and advice.

But first of all, there are two general approaches for how to learn 3D modeling:

  1. Self learn
  2. Earn a degree

The approach you choose is entirely up to you and your goals. If you want to learn how to do 3D modeling as an amazing hobby you want to do for yourself, self-learning is a perfectly acceptable way to go. Of course, taking courses on 3D modeling will help shore up your skills.

Some popular places to go for online 3D modeling tutorials include:

  • The Gnomon Workshop
  • Xchange Training
  • 3d Motive
  • Lynda
  • Pluralsight

If you want to pursue a full-fledged career in 3D design, you better earn a bachelor’s degree at a traditional or online university. Doing so will open the doors for a lifelong career in this field. Just take a look at any online job search site and you’ll see pages of posts looking for talented 3D designers!

Let’s now look more closely at self-learning versus earning a degree to get a better idea of which option will be most satisfying to you and your future.


5 Tips: How to Learn 3D Modeling On Your Own

When learning on your own how to do 3D modeling, follow these five tips so you get excited (rather than overwhelmed) for this new venture:

    1. Have a good understanding of how objects sit in space. Notice their weight, the way light moves across them, and how their shape changes depending on the perspective from which they’re being seen. Always keep your observing eyes open.
    2. Learn the full functionality of 3D modeling software. Even as a beginner, it’s easy to get the basics down. But don’t stop there or you’ll miss out on the opportunity to use numerous, quality features that will not only make your renderings more realistic, but your tasks easier.
    3. Begin by modeling simple shapes because, inevitably, you will find yourself using them over and over again, even in the most complicated design. Make sure you are using the correct techniques and approaches since everything else will build on these basics.
    4. Follow online tutorials, read manuals, and search forums to get you through any sticking points when learning how to 3D model. These can be surprisingly informative and helpful ways to get you unstuck, no matter what trouble you find yourself in.
    5. Practice patience and perseverance throughout the process. 3D rendering isn’t necessarily a skill that comes easily or quickly for most people, but stick with it because you’ll start to see stellar results soon enough.


Where to Learn 3D Modeling When You Want to Take Your Skills Further

When you want to take your skills further, knowing where to learn 3d modeling for professionals can mean the difference between working for pence or for pounds.

There are a few different options for earning college degrees, each of which will get you into a promising career as a:

  • 3D animator
  • Video game designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Website designer
  • Creative director

Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in art, graphic design, or computer animation can be earned at most any traditional university. The alternative is to earn a 3D arts degree from an online school.

According to Easy Render, an online job forum for 3D freelancers, the top four online schools for 3D artists are:

  1. Rocky Mountain College of Art Design
  2. Full Sail University
  3. Academy of Art University
  4. Southern New Hampshire University

CG Spectrum College of Digital Art & Animation is also a good way to go.

The Demand for 3D Modeling

3D modeling has become omnipresent in today’s world. You’ll see it in everything, such as online games, motion pictures, medical animation, marketing, and architecture. Literally everywhere you look, you’ll see something that was created by someone who, like you, has a passion for building worlds out of their imagination.

Not surprisingly, the demand for quality work is high, and the median annual wage for multimedia artists and animators averages $75,270, making this a valid career path. Whether you want to work as a freelance animator (which accounted for about 56% of jobs in 2019) or for an employer in the motion picture or software publishing sector, you can bet on having a successful career you enjoy.

If you’re ready to get started, browse our top-quality content library to build custom, photo-realistic scenes, and characters with studio-class processing. Or, download Daz Studio for free to create your own 3D universe!

Check out our gallery for some inspiration to get you started.